Grapevine.Earth | Care, 2022
Sent Folder | Crisps, 2020
Agile Ageing Alliance | Neighbourhoods of the Future Report: GoGlobal, East meets West to Rethink Ageing Societies (p.188), 2019 | Essay: The Digital Collection, 2018
Royal College of Art | MA Thesis: Compression, 2018
This thesis explores the logic of compression – the process of optimising information transfer, exploring its use as a general method of navigating the world. Topics covered include information theory, potato chips, pornography, epistemology, digital formatting, museums, machine learning, competence porn and The Eastern Freeway.University of Melbourne | BA (Hons) Thesis: Liberal Neutrality and the Planned Obsolescence of Technological Goods, 2016
This paper mounts a philosophical evaluation of planned obsolescence, the practice of limiting product lifespans to stimulate consumption. Focusing on markets in technological goods, the chief philosophical problem addressed in this paper is how planned obsolescence might affect the pursuit of ways of life at odds with consumerism. The central claim made in this paper is that a state’s tolerance of planned obsolescence violates its duty of neutrality towards the range of diverse but reasonable conceptions of the good that might be held and pursued by its citizens.